We will match the price if we are able to verify the competitor’s price subject to the item is currently in stock and the price offered by them is not expired.
Product must be identical to brand, size, model, quality etc.
Products sold in stock liquidations, clearances, auctions, commercial quantities, contract pricing, project quotation, shop soiled, damaged or seconds are excluded.
Prices offered by group discount websites and Ebay are not considered for price match.
Prices are applicable to competitor’s final price including GST, taxes, fees, delivery and other charges.
Overseas Competitors are excluded.
Retrospective adjustments for price match is not applicable , only the price match at the time of sale is applicable.
Please be aware that we as a POS supplier reserve the right NOT to sell at or below the Cost Price.
Stock Liquidation here defines as Competitor’s distress sales or closing down sale & clearances Or Competitor is quitting the product or product range.